Problems we solve

Ensuring accurate, on-time data
for industry settlement performance and meeting industry obligations with the Balance and Settlement Code (BSCO).

Proactively managing exceptions
in a Supplier’s portfolio through Data Aggregation.
Offering independent and factually relevant data
for Settlement and DUOS charges.
Enhancing visibility of performance levels
through regular, informative reporting.
Supporting businesses in becoming their own Data Collectors and Aggregators
through technology licenses and implementation support.
Our solutions
Active data management
We practice active data management by capturing, identifying, and resolving exceptions in Suppliers’ portfolios. This approach delivers high standards of performance in metering services and provides a single method of managing performance across the portfolio.
Ready for HHDA & NHHDA
Our Non-Half Hourly Data and Half Hourly Aggregation applications help Suppliers understand and improve the performance of their portfolios, covering areas such as meter reading, data processing for billing, Settlement performance, and managing registration performance.
Our DCDA solution
TMA’s approach allows Suppliers to receive accurate, on-time data to ensure industry settlement performance is on target and fines will not be levied. Our proactive management of Data Aggregation helps manage any exceptions that arise in a Supplier’s portfolio.
TMA offers software licenses for our full suite of Elexon qualified systems, including Half Hourly Data Collection, Data Aggregation, and Meter Data Retrieval systems (MDR). We support companies with their migration to Market-Wide Half Hourly projects and ensure smooth transitions.
Different hosting options
We offer three service options utilising these services:
We’ll specify the hardware, software, cloud storage and third-party requirements and would provide full assistance with the qualification process and documentation as well as in-depth training on how to operate the systems.
Hosted by TMA
Don’t want to host? No problem, TMA will host the Service User’s systems arranging all hardware, software, cloud storage and third-party licences. TMA would also provide full assistance with the qualification process and documentation as well as in-depth training on how to operate the systems.
Managed service
Don’t want to operate? No problem, TMA will host, qualify and operate the Service User’s MPID for their own HHDC/DA roles and continue to carry out all obligations in the relevant BSCPs on behalf of the Service User.

Next Steps
Next Steps text
Contact us:
Reach out to identify the best way for TMA to support your business with our DCDA services.
Choose your hosting option:
Select from our three service options:
- Software license: A copy of the software hosted and operated from your architecture. Complete autonomy. Complete control. Upgrades available.
- Hosted SaaS: TMA hosts and maintains the software, but you operate it through a secure web interface. Security, accessibility and upgrades are provided as standard so you can focus on your business.
- Fully Managed Service: TMA hosts and maintains the software, delivering all the services you need through it on your behalf. Allows full-outsourcing.
Get started:
Let TMA assist with qualification processes, documentation, and in-depth training around the insights provided.